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Paths Made By Walking


“Traveller, there is no path,
The path is made by walking…”

Antonio Machado was a Spanish poet around the turn of the 20th Century whose writing was based in symbolism and archetypes, centred on Spain’s landscapes and people. The archetype of path-making, the theme of one of his most famous works, also provided the inspiration for this issue, looking to a kind of analogue tracing and mapping (rather than a literal act of walking) as a methodology for engaging with and talking about our environments.

The first issue of the year is always fraught with the difficulties of bringing on a new creative team whilst also being responsible for upholding the legacy of Smiths. During the last term however, Smiths has felt at its most tangible during our time as editors-in-chief, and through running workshops and being able to meet face-to-face with our writing team and designers, it’s felt as if new paths have been made available to us. As we try to make the most of these new opportunities, we hope this issue captures this sense of optimism whilst also conveying the sense of trepidation with which we have embarked on this new academic year.